Setting Up a Flat File Schema 101

Setting Up a Flat File Schema 101

As a follow-up to a previous post about EXTOL Flat File Schema Delimiters we are revieing how fields can be easily defined in the EXTOL Schema editor.

Defining an EXTOL Schema for a delimited file or Fixed length file

EXTOL EBI Flat File Schema delimited or fixed length screenshot

In the example above, the EXTOL Flat File Schema will consist of a 'File' Node and one or more 'Record' Nodes.
When we choose the 'Properties' tab, off of the 'File' Node, we can CLICK the box for Fixed Length if the file is fixed length. If the file is delimiter defined, we leave the box unchecked.

Defining a record in a flat file schema to occur multiple times

EXTOL EBI Flat File Schema unbounded record screenshot

In the example above, the EXTOL Flat File Schema has a single record can occur multiple times. We determined this characteristic since the 'Constraints' tab has the box for Unbounded CLICKED.

Defining the fields in a EXTOL Flat File Schema

EXTOL EBI Flat File Schema field set-up

The EXTOL Flat File Schema has an editor that allows users to modify field lengths for fixed length records. In the example above, all the fields will be zero due to the record being delimiter defined.

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