Inbound EDI De-envelope error, FileNotFoundException error. Unable to construct input stream
We are trying to transform EDI into a database table. Before the transformation can occur, EBI attempts to de-envelope the data.
During the course of de-enveloping EXTOL incurs an error which references FileNotFoundException error. Unable to construct input stream
EXTOL error message 1:
Starting Transform
Starting Transformation Engine
Executing "EXTOL - EDI De-Enveloper / 2.1"
[ERROR] - Transformation ended in error, please refer to the information on the Translation Messages Tab.
Ending Transformation Engine
Completed Task.
EXTOL error message 2:
To resolve this issue we had to do the following:
- Identify Function Acknowldgement Object for inbound document
- Unattach 5010 validating schema and attach 4060 validating schema
By: Sean Hoppe on