Null DatabaseURL - Error Opening Connection to DriverID
An inbound JDE transformation is being performed and the ruleset being used calls a SQL Select Action. During the transformation an error occurs that causes Null DatabaseURL Error
Right before the EBI transformation was execute, the EXTOL Business Integrator DataSource was updated to remove the Database Schema value. This value was removed because it was being referenced in the SQL Select statement
EXTOL error message:
Step #4: Execute Transformation - Single Output
Starting Transform
Starting Transformation Engine
Executing "JDE_To_JDE_Ruleset / version 1.0"
AS400_Addr_Book_Get_Div_Action: Error opening connection to DriverID: null DatabaseURL: null Error is: null
AS400_Addr_Book_Get_Div_Action: The connection to DriverID: null DatabaseURL: null is null.
Transformation ended in error, please refer to the information on the Translation Messages Tab.
Ending Transformation Engine
Completed Task.
After re-inserting the JDEdwards Schema/Environment name (CRPDTA) the SQL Action executed without any issues.
By: Sean Hoppe on