Oracle Temp Space Database error;Unable to extend temp segment in tablespace

Oracle Temp Space Database error;Unable to extend temp segment in tablespace


Inbound x12 856 (ASN) is received and translated into JDEdwards E1 tables via SQL Insert (Database Adapter).


Oracle DBA allowed the Production business data tablespace to fill-up

EXTOL error message:

Error Instance 1:

Nested SQLException:
Message : ORA-01653: unable to extend table PRODDTA.F5547002 by 8192 in tablespace PRODDTAT
State : 72000
Error Code : 1653
Stack trace: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01653: unable to extend table PRODDTA.F5547002 by 8192 in tablespace PRODDTAT

Error Instance 2:

EXTOL EBI SQL Insert Error Temp Space Database error;Unable to extend temp segment in tablespace TEMP


EXTOL users need to contact DBA to mitigate issue and extend disk space in the Oracle Database. While issue is being worked on, EXTOL EBI users might want to suspend/stop inbound/outbound transactions.

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