Business Process Script (BPS) Context Point: Null Pointer Exception
A new EXTOL Ruleset and new EXTOL Outbound Collaboration Business Process Script has been created. When the AARS (Application Analysis Ruleset) Launcher BPS is launched, we receive the error: unrecoverable error during the transformation step
In the EXTOL Outbound Collaboration Business Process Script we are setting the value in a Context Point. The variable name value (glb.var.PNID_constant) does not match the actual variable name in the ruleset.
EXTOL error message:
In the EXTOL Auditor we see the error "unrecoverable error during the transformation step"
JBoss server.log
2013-12-17 10:28:18,487 FATAL [com.extol.processcontrol.engine2.tasks.TransformTask] There was an unrecoverable error during the transformation step.
Exception detail:
at com.extol.transformationrules.ContextPoint2.a(
at com.extol.transformationrules.ContextPoint2.toExternalFormat(
at com.extol.processcontrol.engine2.tasks.TransformTask.i(
Review the ruleset and the BPS to ensure that the CONTEXT POINT-SET VALUE match the ruleset value.
By: Sean Hoppe on