JDE/Oracle SQL error: Null Connection

JDE/Oracle SQL error: Null Connection


EBI server experiences periodic errors when connecting to Oracle database.


Unable to perform SQL Select, SQL Insert via EXTOL Database Adapters/Bindings

EXTOL error message:

ERROR [com.extol.adapters.jdbc.JDBCInteraction] JDBC Resource Adapter encountered a Resource Exception: The connection to the database is null. Please verify that the Database Driver Settings for the Adapter are correct., ErrorCode=null

Exception detail:

javax.resource.ResourceException: The connection to the database is null. Please verify that the Database Driver Settings for the Adapter are correct.

ERROR [com.extol.processcontrol.adapter.JDBCAdapter] JDBC Resource Adapter received an Exception: JDBC Resource Adapter received a Standard Exception while attempting to SELECT: JDBC Resource Adapter received a Resource Exception: The connection to the database is null. Please verify that the Database Driver Settings for the Adapter are correct.

Exception detail:

com.extol.util.message.StandardException: JDBC Resource Adapter received a Standard Exception while attempting to SELECT: JDBC Resource Adapter received a Resource Exception: The connection to the database is null. Please verify that the Database Driver Settings for the Adapter are correct.


Recent hardware errors was causing intermittent issues when transacting with Oracle DB. The hardware issues originated with a Brocade switch and the EMC Service Processor. A switch was replaced along with a Service Processor.

Further troubleshooting occurred with VMWare.

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