EBIworld.com > EBI/Clarify Tips > EBI Bug: Get Process ID task in Business Process Script

EBI Bug: Get Process ID task in Business Process Script

TAGS: 2.5 / BPS / EXTOL EBI / EXTOL bug / EXTOL Business Integrator /

With the release of EBI 2.5, the usage of ‘Get Process ID’ task in Business Process Scripts is currently out of commission. When an attempt is made to use the task and launch the respective EXTOL Business Process script, the process stays in 'in-process’ blue.

I have found the only way to fix the issue is by restarting the EBI Server Manager.

This task does not work in EBI 2.5 build #26. It has been reported to EXTOL.

Copyright 2012 @ www.seanhoppe.com

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